January 10, 2025

Your Credit Card Habit Can Become a Runaway Train

Credit cards provide a wonderful convenience and an excellent alternative to carrying large amounts of cash, and also keeps you from pulling out your checkbook and having to write-out-a-check for your purchases, large or small.

Unfortunately, if you are not careful, using your credit card to make purchases can be so much of a convenience, that your credit card charges can very easily get away from you.

You could very easily be lulled into putting things into your shopping cart that you never intended to buy in the first place as you walk up and down the aisles of the grocer or retail store.

If you think that you are in control of your purchasing decisions as you walk up and down the aisles of the grocer or retail store, THINK AGAIN!

Grocers and retailers spend a lot of time and money on marketing research to help them entice customers to spend more money in their stores, essentially transforming customers into impulse shoppers.

From positioning products and displays, to the colors that surround you, to the music you hear over the speakers, and even to sending you coupons on your smart phone as you enter a certain aisle of their store, retailers are constantly looking for ways to make you spend more money.

And guess what?


Corner convenience stores are becoming MINI SUPER CENTERS and offer much more than just gasoline, making it quite difficult for the average shopper to whip in and whip out without adding additional charges to their credit card.

Online shopping is no better.

Amazon, eBay and many other online stores have features on their websites that offer ‘suggested items’ or ‘ancillary products’ or ‘recently viewed items’, all geared to make you spend more.

America is full of consumers who love to use credit cards, and in my view, that’s a wonderful thing, but you must be aware of what is going on around you, and realize that the retail markets are constantly working on ways to make you spend more money.

Before you buy that ‘thing’ that you were not intending to buy, whether it be at the grocer, retailer or online store, always ask yourself if the item you are about to buy is something that you actually need.

If you’re not sure, call your spouse, a family member, or a close friend who you feel has your best interest in mind, and talk about this ‘thing’ that you are considering buying.

Sometimes, after talking out loud to someone about a potential purchase, you might reveal to yourself how silly buying this particular item actually sounds to you.

This one step could save you from experiencing buyers remorse and from spending money you might not have to spend, and also, save you lots of money in interest charges.

Using your credit card to make purchases can easily have you buying more than you intended, and if you are not careful, your credit card habit can become a runaway train.

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Carlos Cruz

In the Credit and Collection business since 1982.

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