Canceling your credit cards will have a negative affect on your credit score.
Because this action sends a RED FLAG to the credit bureaus and they could interpret this action as trouble on the horizon for you.
Better to voluntarily suspend using your credit cards, at least temporarily, and resist the temptation to charge any future purchases.
Credit repair does not have to mean credit elimination.
Now, this seems like a good time to make a profound point about credit:
Credit is NOT for everyone.
Absolutely there is an argument to be made for people to live their lives without ever using any type of credit, and though living life on a CASH ONLY BASIS may sound good, it can certainly prevent someone from taking advantage of certain financial opportunities.
Credit can be used to create tremendous financial wealth, but if you DO NOT have the ability to control your spending and if you are an impulsive person when it comes to spending, then credit could very well be a dire detriment to your finances.
Your responsible use of credit has a tremendous positive affect on your credit score.
With that being said, part of your financial prosperity plan should focus on having the highest credit score possible.
This section is about credit repair, therefore, if you are the type of person that cannot control their spending habits and possess an impulsive spending personality, then I absolutely recommend that you cut-up your credit cards into little tiny pieces and toss them into the garbage.
However, my recommendation remains the same: DO NOT officially cancel your credit cards.
If you are the type of person that can exert self-control and you want to repair your credit so that you can give yourself a second chance, then just strap a rubber band around your credit cards and put them away in your safe.
Goodwill Credit can help turn your bad credit into good credit and make your good credit even better. SUBSCRIBE NOW.